Cm To Feet Conversion Calculator

The Cm to Feet Conversion and from Feet to Cm can be derived from a simple formula, which we will learn below.

Cm to Feet Conversion Calculator

Cm to Feet Conversion Calculator

Type a value in the cm field to convert the value to Feet:


What is Cm (Centimeter)?

Cm or Centimeter is a very common unit for measurement of length and comes under the metric system. It is equal to the 1/100th of a meter. It is the most widely used unit all over the world. Since, mm is a very smaller unit and meter is the larger unit, ‘cm’ comes in between and is used the most.

A centimeter is abbreviated as ‘cm’. It is used for the length of an object, and the distance between two points in daily life.

Cm to Feet Conversion Formula

One Cm is equal to  0.0328084 feet. Mathematically, it can be written as:

1 cm =  0.0328084 feet

CM to Feet conversion
CM to Feet conversion

Cm to Feet Conversion Examples

Question 1: How many feet are there in 1 Cm?

Answer: We have to calculate feet in one cm.

So we know by a formula that

1 Cm = 0.0328084 feet

Question 2: Convert 160 cm to feet?

Answer: We have to calculate feet in 160 cm.

We know the formula that

1 cm = .0328084 feet

Hence 160 cm to feet = 160*.0328084

= 5.248 feet

Question 3: Convert 165 cm to feet?

Answer: We have to calculate feet in 165 cm.

We know the formula that

1 cm = .0328084 feet

Hence 165 cm to feet = 165*.0328084

= 5.412 feet

Some more Cm to Feet conversions are given in the table below:

10 CM 10*0.0330.328 Feet
20 CM 20*0.0330.656 Feet
30 CM 30*0.033.984 Feet
40 CM 40*0.0331.312 Feet
50 CM 50*0.0331.64 Feet
75 CM 75*0.0332.461 Feet
100 CM 100*0.0333.281 Feet
150 CM 150*0.0334.921 Feet
200 CM 200*0.0336.562 Feet
500 CM 500*0.03316.404 Feet
1000 CM 1000*0.03332.808 Feet
CM to Feet Conversions

Some Popular Cm Conversions in Different Units

1 cm 0.01 m
1 cm10 mm
1 cm10000 micrometers
1 cm0.011 yard
1 cm0.39 inch
Cm conversions to different unit

Check more examples at Google

What is a Feet?

Feet are also a unit of measurement in both the US Customary system of measuring the length and the British Imperial.

Feet to Cm Conversion Formula

One Fet is equal to 30.48 cm. Mathematically, it can be written as:

1 Feet = 30.48 cm

Feet to Cm Conversion Examples

Question 1: How many cm are there in 1 Feet?

Answer: We have to calculate cm in 1 Feet.

So we know by a formula that

1 Feet = 30.48 cm

Question 2: Convert 6 feet in cm?

Answer: We have to calculate cm in 6 feet.

We know the formula that

1 Feet = 30.48 cm

Hence 6 feet in cm = 6*30.48

= 182.88 cm

Question 2: Convert 5 feet in cm?

Answer: We have to calculate cm in 5 feet.

We know the formula that

1 Feet = 30.48 cm

Hence 5 feet in cm = 5*30.48

= 152.4 cm

Cm to Feet Conversion Table Chart

Centimeters (cm)  Feet (ft)
1 centimeter0.0328084
2 centimeters0.0656168
3 centimeters0.0984252
4 centimeters0.1312336
5 centimeters0.164042
6 centimeters0.1968504
7 centimeters0.2296588
8 centimeters0.2624672
9 centimeters0.2952756
10 centimeters0.328084
11 centimeters0.3608924
12 centimeters0.3937008
13 centimeters0.4265092
14 centimeters0.4593176
15 centimeters0.492126
16 centimeters0.5249344
17 centimeters0.5577428
18 centimeters0.5905512
19 centimeters0.6233596
20 centimeters0.656168
21 centimeters0.6889764
22 centimeters0.7217848
23 centimeters0.7545932
24 centimeters0.7874016
25 centimeters0.82021
26 centimeters0.8530184
27 centimeters0.8858268
28 centimeters0.9186352
29 centimeters0.9514436
30 centimeters0.984252
31 centimeters1.0170604
32 centimeters1.0498688
33 centimeters1.0826772
34 centimeters1.1154856
35 centimeters1.148294
36 centimeters1.1811024
37 centimeters1.2139108
38 centimeters1.2467192
39 centimeters1.2795276
40 centimeters1.312336
41 centimeters1.3451444
42 centimeters1.3779528
43 centimeters1.4107612
44 centimeters1.4435696
45 centimeters1.476378
46 centimeters1.5091864
47 centimeters1.5419948
48 centimeters1.5748032
49 centimeters1.6076116
50 centimeters1.64042
51 centimeters1.6732284
52 centimeters1.7060368
53 centimeters1.7388452
54 centimeters1.7716536
55 centimeters1.804462
56 centimeters1.8372704
57 centimeters1.8700788
58 centimeters1.9028872
59 centimeters1.9356956
60 centimeters1.968504
61 centimeters2.0013124
62 centimeters2.0341208
63 centimeters2.0669292
64 centimeters2.0997376
65 centimeters2.132546
66 centimeters2.1653544
67 centimeters2.1981628
68 centimeters2.2309712
69 centimeters2.2637796
70 centimeters2.296588
71 centimeters2.3293964
72 centimeters2.3622048
73 centimeters2.3950132
74 centimeters2.4278216
75 centimeters2.46063
76 centimeters2.4934384
77 centimeters2.5262468
78 centimeters2.5590552
79 centimeters2.5918636
80 centimeters2.624672
81 centimeters2.6574804
82 centimeters2.6902888
83 centimeters2.7230972
84 centimeters2.7559056
85 centimeters2.788714
86 centimeters2.8215224
87 centimeters2.8543308
88 centimeters2.8871392
89 centimeters2.9199476
90 centimeters2.952756
91 centimeters2.9855644
92 centimeters3.0183728
93 centimeters3.0511812
94 centimeters3.0839896
95 centimeters3.116798
96 centimeters3.1496064
97 centimeters3.1824148
98 centimeters3.2152232
99 centimeters3.2480316
100 centimeters3.28084
Cm to Feet Conversion Table

Some Popular Feet Conversions in Different Units

1 Feet12 inches
1 Feet30 cm
1 Feet0.304 meter
1 Feet0.000189 mile
1 Feet0.333 yard
Feet Conversions in Different Units

Frequently Asked Questions

1.) 1 cm to feet?

One Cm is equal to  0.0328084 feet. Mathematically, it can be written as:
1 cm =  0.0328084 feet

2.) How many feet to cm?

One Fet is equal to 30.48 cm. Mathematically, it can be written as:
1 Feet = 30.48 cm

3.) What is the difference between CM and Feet?

on unit for measurement of length and comes under the metric system. Feet are also a unit of measurement in both the US Customary system of measuring the length and the British Imperial.

4.) How many 173 feet in cm?

Answer: We have to calculate cm in 173 feet.
We know the formula that
1 Feet = 30.48 cm
Hence 173 feet in cm = 173*30.48
= 5273.04 cm

Also, Read mm to Inches Conversion Formula

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